10 Fun Facts About Your Teeth!

oral b united states

People don’t normally view teeth as an interesting topic. But what you don’t tend to realize is how important teeth really are in your everyday life. They help you speak, chew and smile. Here are 10 fun facts about your teeth! No two people have the same set of teeth. Your teeth are as unique as […]

Tooth Whitening: Power of the Smile

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It is said that the face is the mirror of the human mind. A beautiful face achieves results or good first impressions easily while the opposite provides an uphill struggle. Not surprisingly, our teeth draw in a great deal of attention and are a significant factor in judging attractiveness, so a clean, white smile can […]

The Hunt For The Right Toothbrush


You just brushed your teeth and you noticed that your toothbrush is all worn out. Worse, you feel like your teeth are totally not cleaned and your gums are a bit sore because of the hard bristles. You are again confronted with the ever recurring dilemma of trying to find another toothbrush. The almost unlimited […]